
This project will have been going on for almost three years, but it is finally over.

It is therefore about the beatitudes in the version of Saint Luke and according to the text of the vulgate.
The cadel B was made on metal and the embossing on a rag paper whose provenance I have totally forgotten.

I’m rather happy with the result, especially with my abbreviations, ligatures and Tironian notes in the NEULAND style, but even without mentioning these details, the overall view is rather nice, isn’t it?

ABC… NOW Available !!

Today is a great day (even if it is rainy).
I have just received copies of the ABC box made in collaboration with Pascal Aussi.
I deliver the photo novel of the reception 😉

This is a palette, not a color palette but nevertheless fragile.

Don’t put your hand under the cutter, you risk cutting yourself very hard (rabbit inside).
[this is a bad joke made from warnings in the parisian metro]

But there’s something inside!

There’s a vibe in those yellow boxes!
[another bad joke made from an advert for tacos]

He’s happy!

And he can be happy because it’s beautiful…

If you want it, there is some available at the workshop (and if not, I can ship it to you 🙂


I have finished composing my Art Nouveau lettering model from Ver Sacrum, I still have to work on a few decorative elements but, in the meantime, I am practicing a bit by preparing the workshop certificates for Montreuil Bellay.

I will propose a workshop on this Art Nouveau lettering in my workshop in April, the weekend of the 4th & 5th. If you are interested, you can already contact me to register.

Pangram curtain

The winter sun is sometimes annoying when I work in my workshop, so my wife made me a curtain.
But I can’t leave a fabric of this surface untouched! I have to scribble on it!
And as I didn’t know which text to use, I fell back on pangrams in several languages.
The advantage is that it will give my trainees ideas when they take calligraphy classes in the workshop and don’t know what to write.
I’m only at the beginning, I started with a pangram in English and in NEULAND.

I continued with a German version in Gothic fraktur…

the next one will be a French version, soon…

Art Nouveau

I am currently working on a new template for an Art Nouveau alphabet from the magazine Ver Sacrum, published between 1898 and 1903. It is an extraordinary publication, both in terms of lettering, illustrations and texts. The Heidelberg Library offers a complete digital version of all the magazine’s occurrences. I’m enjoying it!
As an example, here are a few monograms and ligatures picked out here and there.


 In order to let pieces I have just varnished dry for a project that will incorporate other elements, I have hung the different parts in the workshop.
I almost feel like leaving them like that, they make very nice motives.

Well, I’ll take them down once they’re dry but I’m keeping the idea for later and create mobiles using cadels letter elements in metal, it’s going to be great !

The secret I’m looking for…

End of year, end of composition.
I’m done with the fragment of “L’Été” by Camus.
Partly in NEULAND, partly in Gothic, both scripts being inspired by Rudolf Koch.

Watercolou, iron gall ink and gouache on kraft paper.

And I take this opportunity to wish you a very good New Year’s Eve & an excellent year 2020.