Alphabet – next step

Once cleaned, here are the letters from my alphabet (technological miracle, I inverted the pic so you can see them on the right side).
As you can see, I made a mistake on some of them, the ones that looks inverted after being inverted :-/

Moreover, my printing tries are just awful, so awful that I won’t show even a bit of them.
I tihnk I’ll have to restart from the beginning, differently, with more care, briefly : to be followed…

To make you wait, here is a pic of the residues of the cleaning which is, probably, the best thing I got out of it.


I’m working on a new project (yeahhh, I know, I didn’t finish the previous ones).

I made an alphabet in the Celtic style, etched on zinc ( & reversed, which supposes a further printing), inspired by George Bain‘s book, Celtic Art : The Methods of Construction.
By the way, I doubt he found all of these letters in the book of Kells or Durrow. Those gospels probably didn’t show these K, W or Y…


Digging in the garden, I made an almost archeological discovery, an old bolt eaten by rust. I cleaned it a bit, not too much for the patina to remain and, as I found it really beautiful, I decided to find another use for it.

I turned it into a seal by electro-etching a man hole cover pattern on his head.

And the result is perfectly functional as you can see.

This is how to turn rubbish into design and original object πŸ™‚

Man hole cover electrolysis

I’m still experimenting electro-etching but with no time to do real work so I’m just playing. Among patterns that I like and that will not take too long to reproduce are man hole covers. So be it …

Of course, It’s made out of steel plates that I threw in the garden to rust after the electro-etching. I love the result and I think I’ll continue with this idea πŸ™‚

varnish & etching done

I have finished (at last !) to remove the varnish from my metal plate so as the white (well black for the moment) vine to show up.

As the next step was the etching, I put the plate in the acid bath immediately.
Unfortunately, it remained too long in the acid and the result, even if interesting, is not what I expected it to be.

We’ll see whether the next step will improve it or not πŸ™‚

ABC etc

Last weekend, unusually, I had some time to work. But the sky was as blue as an orang utan so I decided to go to the beach, even if the water was so cold that I soon looked as an orang utan. Anyway, I manage to produce some little things, the beginning of an alphabet of brooches and, as I really love books, a nother brooch for my personnal use…

The initials are inspired by the Art Nouveau with a puzzle look which comes from the gothic period, and I like them. Not to mention my SERIAL READER brooch that I love !