All you need is …

I have only been posting works related to my online courses recently. I have to admit that it takes a lot of time.
Nevertheless, with Valentine’s Day approaching, I decided to do something a bit different.
Here is a Roman capital decorated with white vine on a support of patinated copper leaf, the whole being made with acrylic paint.
I take this opportunity to wish you (with a little advance), full of love in this new year.

And, if you doubt my ability to realize a patinated copper foil collage, you are right. It is my wife who made it… All I did was to scribble my Roman capital and its associated Vine over it.

All I need is love and a woman who does great things to help me 😉

More vine

Slate engraving is fun but it doesn’t help with my project of white vine on metal.
Time for a new round with a new pattern.

First step, the draft on paper

Second step, copy on the metal plate before clearing the spaces for the etching

Etched vine

At last, I’ve finished the vine pattern on my steel plate !

I could then etch it, one hour and 60W in salted water.
A short blowtorch passage to burn the paint and reveal the etching and here we are :

Still have to sand the plate a little bit to remove the paint remnants but I already find it quite nice. I hope I’ll be able to keep the blue shade of the etched parts.

Steel vine

I transferred the white vine pattern on a plate of steel (which was a closet shelf in a previous life).
And now I’m scratching the paint to reveal the metal underneath.

As you can see, I use a hightech tool to do that, a sharpened nail with a wood handle.

It’s quite long to do, already 8 hours of work…