I’m not a fan of Halloween so I’m already working on the Christmas decoration for my workshop. Tired of cleaning the windows, I decided to make my decoration on tracing paper which will be taped on the windows, it’s less time consuming to remove than acrylic paint and it’s reusable.
I have only been posting works related to my online courses recently. I have to admit that it takes a lot of time. Nevertheless, with Valentine’s Day approaching, I decided to do something a bit different. Here is a Roman capital decorated with white vine on a support of patinated copper leaf, the whole being made with acrylic paint. I take this opportunity to wish you (with a little advance), full of love in this new year.
And, if you doubt my ability to realize a patinated copper foil collage, you are right. It is my wife who made it… All I did was to scribble my Roman capital and its associated Vine over it.
All I need is love and a woman who does great things to help me 😉
A sudden craving for white vine and, as I’ve been doing too much blue lately, grey, Payne grey, shell gold and nevertheless a bit of Prussian blue to finish.
In a small gilded frame found by my wife, it makes a very nice decoration.
At last, I’m done with my project about white vine on steel. I can now take some rest. And to rest, what could be better than a chair ? Good thing, I’ve got a new one 😉
At last, I’ve finished the vine pattern on my steel plate !
I could then etch it, one hour and 60W in salted water. A short blowtorch passage to burn the paint and reveal the etching and here we are :
Still have to sand the plate a little bit to remove the paint remnants but I already find it quite nice. I hope I’ll be able to keep the blue shade of the etched parts.
I transferred the white vine pattern on a plate of steel (which was a closet shelf in a previous life). And now I’m scratching the paint to reveal the metal underneath.
As you can see, I use a hightech tool to do that, a sharpened nail with a wood handle.