
Digging in the garden, I made an almost archeological discovery, an old bolt eaten by rust. I cleaned it a bit, not too much for the patina to remain and, as I found it really beautiful, I decided to find another use for it.

I turned it into a seal by electro-etching a man hole cover pattern on his head.

And the result is perfectly functional as you can see.

This is how to turn rubbish into design and original object 🙂

Man hole cover electrolysis

I’m still experimenting electro-etching but with no time to do real work so I’m just playing. Among patterns that I like and that will not take too long to reproduce are man hole covers. So be it …

Of course, It’s made out of steel plates that I threw in the garden to rust after the electro-etching. I love the result and I think I’ll continue with this idea 🙂