happy new year

I didn’t post a lot lately. Partly because I had no time, partly because I’m lazy and partly because I was busy creating new stuff.
To apologize, I wish you happiness, health and prosperity for this new year.
And, as for a new start, here is a how to create a wish thing with a minimum of material and by recycling daily things.

1- take a lid from a jam pot (or other lid from other pot, beans is also a good choice).

2- draw, calligraph your text, pattern, thing with a marker on the lid.

3- Remove the paint with a nail (like the one that can been seen on the bottom right of the image) or any other tool suitable.

4- Once the pattern totally clean from the paint, use a battery connected to cotton bud to electro-etch the cleaned surfaces.

5- To remove the remaining paint, you can sand the lid or, if you’re as lazy as I am, just use a soldering lamp to burn the paint (beware of the fumes, probably very toxic !)
You’ll have to end with a bit of sanding with a emery cloth and that’s it !

Once you’ve taken a good pic of your etched lid, everyone will envy you 🙂

And if you prefer something more traditionnal, here are Jacques Brel‘s wishes on January 1978.


My workshop on embossing approaches fast, time for me to review the basics.
I’m also doing some researches on knotworks based on triangle patterns and not on the regular square ones. The result is this little knotwork embossed on watercolor paper.

As we are talking about embossing, here is a small ampersand, done a few weeks ago.
Unlike the regular embossings where the embossed parts are smoother than the others, here I added some texture to the embossing.

Ar Rannou

I’ve just finished a work started years ago, that was left unfinished because of an overdose of knotwork.

It is a breton text from the Barzaz Breizh, a collection of songs published by Th. de La Villemarqué in the XIXth century.
I used a semi uncial for the text, séparating each verse by a knotwork panel and ending by the title in drawn capitals inspired by the Lindisfarne Gospel. To breathe modernity into the work, I took colors different from the ones used historically, using only earth pigments (Sienna, Umbria, …).

Another detail can be seen here, and the whole work, there.


Still no time for real work, this time I decided to make two little broochs instead of magnets.

I take the occasion to tell you about Monique who decided to create cadel initials on zinc after she discovered them on my website. With no information from me on the technique, she managed to get quite good results!

If you are also interested in zinc engraving, please send me pics of your works, I’m sure that all together we can improve this technique.