Still in progress

Well, it’s true that I had announced something other than filigrees in this post.
But you know me, I’m a maniac, an obsessed man…
So the further work on this composition includes… filigrees

Until I have finished, you will only be allowed partial views, I hope these will satisfy you enough to wait a little more 🙂

Stained glass de-structured

My first version of stained glass engraved in the slate having been very popular (once shown to the public, it was only 3 days in my company before someone bought it), I decided to make another one, more ambitious and this time using the same method as for the backrest of my seat, ie, by de-structuring the stained glass pattern.
Here is a draft in progress on paper, the concept seems valid to me, all that remains is to engrave the slate.

It took me more than a year to make the first one, this one is three times bigger, you will have to wait a long time before you see the outcome 🙂

New course in the workshop

It has been too long since I offered an internship in my studio, so I invite you to join me for a course on a 9th century script from a manuscript from Landévennec Abbey over 2 days, followed by an introduction to Celtic decoration.

All this will take place from August 3 to 5, 2019, possibility to do only the two days of calligraphy if you are only available on weekends.
The price is 50€ per day, 100€ for calligraphy and 150€ if you also want to acquire the basics of Celtic decoration.
For more information and to book, please contact me by email or phone, all my contact details are available on the contact page of my website.

ten-hand game

This weekend was the installation and opening of the exhibition in Sarlat with Alyssia Banon, Julien Breton, Stéphane Alfonsi and myself.
On Saturday, we sat around a table and let ourselves go to mix our worlds, with the contribution of Emmanuel Spaeth who had come to visit us and the kind help of Mathieu Bureau.
At the end of the day, here is the result….

To see the real works of each of them, you have to go to the Sarlat cultural centre