New course in the workshop

It has been too long since I offered an internship in my studio, so I invite you to join me for a course on a 9th century script from a manuscript from Landévennec Abbey over 2 days, followed by an introduction to Celtic decoration.

All this will take place from August 3 to 5, 2019, possibility to do only the two days of calligraphy if you are only available on weekends.
The price is 50€ per day, 100€ for calligraphy and 150€ if you also want to acquire the basics of Celtic decoration.
For more information and to book, please contact me by email or phone, all my contact details are available on the contact page of my website.

Yummy shortbread

The first shortbreads made with buckwheat came out of the oven at Escopty’s farm (it is in Coat-Méal, and they are on the market in Saint-Renan on Saturday morning and on Wednesday afternoon in Milizac, both being small towns in France, sorry if you’re not in the neighbourhood)
With the careful care and expertise of Anne, the baker, this is what a buckwheat shortbread stamped with my apple tree stamp looks like

In addition to being pretty pretty, they are absolutely delicious: -p

Breton apple tree

In order to make stamps to stamp cookies for a baker friend, I took a branch of an old apple tree out of my garden, carefully dried for a few years.
She wanted a triskell & an ermine, the branches having two ends, I engraved the patterns on the same piece of wood.

and just so that you have an idea of the size of the patterns (4cm in diameter) and the depth of the engraving (1cm), a small bias photo

The bad news is that my dremmel (which would have allowed me to do this in 1 hour) is seized and so I did everything with manual gouges.
The good news is that I only cut myself twice, I’m making a lot of progress in wood engraving: -D