
After a first course given in French and English (with an Italian translator to complete the picture) in MiroModo, Italy this winter and, in anticipation of other courses of the same type, I decided to compose small panels to identify the preferred language of the trainees I am addressing.
As I only speak French and English, it’s not too difficult to do, here are the first copies.

the reproductions (no, I didn’t compose each copy manually) are less good but still usable, so that you can better distinguish the patterns, here is a better quality version of each side.

Draft of happiness

I have already told you many times about Guillevic, a 20th century Breton poet and a wonderful goldsmith of words.
I read & reread more collections of his poems and decided to make a new calligraphy series.

Unlike the first ones, which were circular with a humanistic script, this time I go on NEULAND reinterpreted in square formats.
Here is  a fragment of a first draft (with a blurry photo and a wet ink) until I have something better to show.

And I invite you to take these two verses as your motto, as for me I will try to do it.
An approximate translation would be: “you don’t have to be happy, but you can try”

Sind frei

I continued typing on Namur blue stone, just to experiment with various tools.

It’s a bit too blurry for my taste, I’ll try another approach but not right away.
I have to wait until the weather improves a little, temperatures and rainfall do not encourage me to work outside for now.

I’m back

Long time since I posted here, my apologies.
Now that I feel a little bit less lazy, I’ll try to keep you updated on what’s going on in the workshop 🙂

And today, I finished the calligraphy of a song, Alligator 427, from the french singer Hubert Félix Thiéfaine.
I’ve been thinking about it for years (the first drafts are from 2011 !!) and it’s done !
And, as far as I can say, quite well done (I really like it).

I transferred a photograph (paint marks on a sidewalk) on an old zinc plate, etched the title using acid and ended by writing the text in NEULAND script.


A new work, etching again but this time acid-etching on zinc.
It’s a sentence from the play Morts Sans sépulture by Jean-Paul Sartre.
I wanted to have a gash between the beginning of the sentence and the last words, I consequently had to keep the plate in the acid for quite a long time, resulting in holes in other parts of the plate.

But I find the result good, the texture and the look of the plate responds to the text and the spacing between the lines is not a problem either.

I still have to add the name of the author and I will be done with this work 🙂

happy new year

I didn’t post a lot lately. Partly because I had no time, partly because I’m lazy and partly because I was busy creating new stuff.
To apologize, I wish you happiness, health and prosperity for this new year.
And, as for a new start, here is a how to create a wish thing with a minimum of material and by recycling daily things.

1- take a lid from a jam pot (or other lid from other pot, beans is also a good choice).

2- draw, calligraph your text, pattern, thing with a marker on the lid.

3- Remove the paint with a nail (like the one that can been seen on the bottom right of the image) or any other tool suitable.

4- Once the pattern totally clean from the paint, use a battery connected to cotton bud to electro-etch the cleaned surfaces.

5- To remove the remaining paint, you can sand the lid or, if you’re as lazy as I am, just use a soldering lamp to burn the paint (beware of the fumes, probably very toxic !)
You’ll have to end with a bit of sanding with a emery cloth and that’s it !

Once you’ve taken a good pic of your etched lid, everyone will envy you 🙂

And if you prefer something more traditionnal, here are Jacques Brel‘s wishes on January 1978.