A tribute

This year, we celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Marcel Proust’s death and the thirtieth anniversary of Peyo’s.

As a tribute to these two great artists, I made this little lettering as a wink.

A first version gave this :

And, as I’m really fond of justified text columns, here is a second version :

These are drafts, there will probably be a third version, with decoration and color!!!


A verse by Walt Whitman to tell you that I love his poetry.

And also that I have scheduled a course on lettering.

Not just any lettering, no. Ferret lettering!

Well, okay, it’s just my own version of lettering but it’s still pretty nice, isn’t it?


So, there’s a course in person and in French in my workshop beginning of July, details here.

An online and in English course, still in July, info & registration here

And an online and French version in September, info & registration there.

Filigrees and puzzle

Here are two small letters just out of the workshop.
I am reinterpreting the filigree puzzles as I will present them at the Abbey of Maredret during a workshop organized by Interligne in March 2022.

Here we read the first name in the cut of the vertical shaft of the letter, with gilding for the counter shape of the final E.

And here I am having fun with a flower shape that comes to “eat” the letter and decorate it at the same time with copper leaf gilding.


 I have been neglecting you lately, I apologise.
I’m posting on social networks because it’s quicker than describing my whole journey and taking the time to really address you here.
So a new message so that those who are not on those evil networks can see that I am still thinking of them.

These days I’m working on a commission from the town hall of Plouider, a small seaside town in Finistère. I like this township, they plant a tree for each birth in the township and asked me to calligraph the children’s names so that we can know which tree corresponds to whom. I did it last year and will do it again this year.

But today, it is another project: to calligraph 3 fragments of poems about the chapels and to put them around the Saint Fiacre chapel. The order is to do it on slate, it’s up to me to choose how.
So I decided to use Art Nouveau lettering and acrylic paint on large 40x40cm slates. The advantage is that I will be able to use the same layout for the 3 poems and thus have a unity of treatment that I would have had more difficulty in obtaining with another writing.

Here is the first text, a french translation of Shakespeare.

And whilst I’ve got your attention, I’d like to talk about something completely different. I have been selected to participate in the Write on the Edge International Calligraphy Conference in Sonoma, USA, next summer, and as part of that I have just answered a number of questions about my practice. You can find the transcript of this conversation here. And if you want to register for the courses, you can find the description of my two contributions here and there.