WIFI code & contest

 I have fun with lettering and after my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, I wanted to do something else without really knowing what.

And then I thought that this kind of lettering, not necessarily easy to decipher, could be useful. You’re tired of not remembering your passwords or your wifi code but you don’t want to display them too obviously? I can write them down for you!

As an example, here is a wifi code containing 8 lowercase letters, 9 uppercase letters, 2 special characters, 4 numbers and 3 latin abbreviations.

The first person to give me the right transcription as a comment on my french blog (go to the bottom of the page : https://cutt.ly/6WrOP1X) will receive the original of this code as well as a small filigree letter with the initial of his choice.

And to help you even more, here is a version of the same code without the decoration.


 I was recently commissioned to do a street number in the Art Nouveau style and with my inevitable filigrees. I did the work on paper and with walnut ink, it will then be engraved, probably on metal by people with the necessary laser engraving equipment.

And while I’m on the subject of filigrees, I’d like to take this opportunity to announce a new (and final) online course in french on the subject on 22 & 23 May.

If you want to participate, you can register here.