some text

I’ve been quite busy these last ime, preparing my latest exhibition but I didn’t work only on this !
I worked very hard on a new project with quite a lot of text and in a much larger shape than what I’m used to. Until now, I spent about 30 hours working on it, I think I’ve done the most of it. Until I can say it is finished or failed, here is a picture.

Next steps next week if everything goes well.


Back to paper and, almost compulsorily, back to filigrees.
A small Birthday card for a friend who just got 40.

Walnut stain and ferro-gallic ink on paper.
It was far too easy, I got to find new challenges or I will soon get back to my engravings on slate/metal.

Painting the street

I’ve been playnig with man hole covers but it’s not enough.
The street is not only man hole covers, it also has pedestrian crossing and asphalt.
So here is my first version of an urban landscape, there will be others as I’m not totally satisfied with this one.

First some close-ups :

And then a view of the whole thing :


A few years ago, I started to work on a text by Thomas de Quincey, creating a palimpsest by writing with walnut stain and partially washing it before adding a new coat of text. After 4 coats, I stopped and did something totally different with the text.
Lately, I was looking for something to soften the light of my bedside lamp and found this uncompleted work in his portfolio.

The moral of the story is : never throw away anything, recycling can have surprising results.
I’ve just created a palampsest ๐Ÿ˜‰

Walnut stained vine

No time nor inspiration these times to create any calligraphic work but nevertheless itching to use my nibs and a rest of walnut stain at the bottom of a glass…

So here is the result, a small illuminating based on white vine only colored with walnut stain and my loved filigrees to encase it.
For the whole work, have a look at the gallery.