SEP en scène

After about twenty hours of work on the final version and almost half for the preparatory work, I finished the fragment of the play “SEP en scène” (Multiple Sclerosis on Stage) by Isabelle Janier.
The piece chosen is the end of the play, a message of hope for all those affected by this disease, which is still incurable today.

Above all, the culmination of a life is to live.
I would like to thank Ms. Janier for entrusting me with the script of her play and I hope that she will enjoy what I have done with it.

M etc

Very few time this weekend to work on my ongoing projects, not to mention the cold & the rain.

So I drew an initial…

with filigrees…

those of you who follow this blog would have noticed that the filigree pattern is almost identical to the one used here.
And if you didn’t notice, who cares ? 😉