While I thought that I was learning how to live…

I had this small piece of paper and a few hours to spend lately, I took advantage of this situation to calligraphy this short sentence by Leonardo Da Vinci.
I chose to use only black & white, first because I love B&W (in case you didn’t notice) but also because the contrast meets the contrast that exists between the two parts of Da Vinci’s quotation.

To see the whole work, click here.

Walnut stained vine

No time nor inspiration these times to create any calligraphic work but nevertheless itching to use my nibs and a rest of walnut stain at the bottom of a glass…

So here is the result, a small illuminating based on white vine only colored with walnut stain and my loved filigrees to encase it.
For the whole work, have a look at the gallery.


After the cut-out comes the embossing.

I’m not satisfied, runes are not legible enough due to the strips between lignes.
I have two possibilities : 
– rework the cut-out to narrow these strips but, fragile as it is, I may destroy the matrix
– restart from the beginning

I’m going to think about it for a while in case a third possibility arise.

Initial C

A recent happy occasion “forced” me to take my nib and to make one of those filigree initials I like so much.
It’s to celebrate the birth of a little girl and after rejecting the pink, I eventually chose the white.
Here is a picture of a part of the initial where one can see the shiny texture of the letter (which I love !).

And another picture which reveals my industrial secret, in other words, the draft 😉

to see the whole final work, follow the link to the gallery.

Any aesthetic life is despair

This sentence is not by me but by Kierkegaard. I always find it difficult to calligraphy a single short sentence, composition options are too reduced unless one launches into excessive ornementation.
Other thought that has nothing to do with the previous statement, I’m fascinated by zebra crossing textures for a while now.
The conjunction of these two observations gave me the idea of working on Kierkegaard’s sentence using the morse code and playing with the texture of dash and points.

It’s a first draft, I already identified some of its weaknesses and hope to correct them into the next version, anyway, I’m quite happy with some of the textures obtained.

… a little natural whiteness

Here is a new version of a text by André Gide that I already calligraphied for my professor.
This time I took only the last part of the text and wrote without any ruling to guide me. As for the decoration, I reused an embossed stained glass pattern previously utilized in other works.

To see the whole work, follow the link to the gallery.

Thou lonesome one

Here is a fragment from Thus spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche that I really like.
I wanted to give rise to the first word of the text, thus I drew it from a typography and made it half embossed, half engraved on metal.

The remaining part of the text is calligraphied with a fraktur, I felt it was the accurate script for it.
As usual, to see the whole work, have a look to the gallery.

The Flies – final version

I’ve just finished with my version of the text from The Flies by Jean-Paul Sartre.

You can see the whole work by clicking here.
As it is quite long, one cannot really see anything on this pic, that’s why I took close-ups :