Before returning to more serious things (or not), a small series of abbreviations with my unavoidable filigrees.

What had to be demonstrated (French version of “quod erat demonstratum”)

Too much information

I thought there were too many filigrees (too much information!) so I made a more sober version.

and, because there’ll be more, et cetera.

E ?

Little exercise to pass the time: what romantic text am I working on?

The clue is of course the letter which starts the text (and the gilding is part of the solution).
As it’s a bit tenuous, another clue is prose, it’s in French and I’ve already calligraphed a text by this author.

Whoever gives me the author’s name will get something when the post office starts working normally again.
And another thing for the person who finds the passage in question.
Take care and stay at home 🙂

The flower on the vermeille mouth…

I’ve finished the fragment of Théophile Gautier I was telling you about a little while ago.

Of course, it is about a flower, so I made a flower in filigree. And, as I wanted a little colour to echo the “vermeille” of the text, I added other filigrees, in red this time.

Ars Longa

It’s a tired old saying, but it’s nonetheless true.
And it’s also my way of telling why I haven’t posted for far too long.

I first took part in the book fair in Montreuil-Bellay, with courses given before and after the fair, then I got back home and, since then, I’ve been working on the next courses I’m going to teach, the first on the list abroad being the one on the second bible of Charles the Bald in Welkenraedt next April.

So here’s a reinterpretation of the decorated capital letters that will be taught during the course (I still have to create the minuscule model so don’t expect any new posts in the near future).

ABC… NOW Available !!

Today is a great day (even if it is rainy).
I have just received copies of the ABC box made in collaboration with Pascal Aussi.
I deliver the photo novel of the reception 😉

This is a palette, not a color palette but nevertheless fragile.

Don’t put your hand under the cutter, you risk cutting yourself very hard (rabbit inside).
[this is a bad joke made from warnings in the parisian metro]

But there’s something inside!

There’s a vibe in those yellow boxes!
[another bad joke made from an advert for tacos]

He’s happy!

And he can be happy because it’s beautiful…

If you want it, there is some available at the workshop (and if not, I can ship it to you 🙂