
New version of the periodic table of elements. After a reinterpretation of the first version of the Mendeleïev table, this time I used a classification of the elements by energy of first ionization.

The abscissa of the graph is the atomic number (Z) and the ordinate the energy in electronvolt (eV).

Some elements are indicated by their symbol written on an embossed square, the others by a simple golden square with the atomic number in Roman numerals.

For the decoration, I used my small arched filigrees and a copy of the traces left by the disintegration of particles in the CERN collider.


Finally, I added some equations used in the field of ionization.

and here is the final result


 I was recently commissioned to do a street number in the Art Nouveau style and with my inevitable filigrees. I did the work on paper and with walnut ink, it will then be engraved, probably on metal by people with the necessary laser engraving equipment.

And while I’m on the subject of filigrees, I’d like to take this opportunity to announce a new (and final) online course in french on the subject on 22 & 23 May.

If you want to participate, you can register here.

I as in filigree

I’m back to my obsession and present you with the latest one, a Payne grey initial I with a Prussian blue filigree and a few gold dots on the leaf.

And I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you that there are still a few places left for the Filigree 2 course in English on April 10th and 11th.

The letter is 3 centimetres high, a little bit more than my usual small initials.


It’s been a long time since I posted filigrees…

Here is a monogram made for a commission to make a tattoo (I think it’s going to be painful).

The overall design is 15cm in diameter, acrylic paint on paper.

And, if you wonder how to make things like that, there are 2 new online courses scheduled. Check this page to get more information & register.


 As Mary Poppins said…

And here is a new version of this beautiful word.

Also, the occasion for me to announce a new online course on Art Nouveau, again based on the lettering of the magazine VER SACRUM.

This course will be online and in English on February 6 and 7, 2021.

December 25

 The Christmas holidays are approaching and you may not know what to offer your loved ones in these troubled times.

I propose you filigreed letters and monograms.

The materials (inks, paints, gilding, papers) are used according to your requests.

Prices range from 20 to 200€ (excluding shipping costs) depending on the size and complexity requested.

For any order, you can contact me by mail or by phone from the contact information displayed on this page.

some recent examples with a quartet of Payne grey lettering 2 cm high

and then a lighter blue for a D of the same size

walnut ink, always at 2 cm

And a large monogram (letters of 4cm and filigree of 10) with gilding.