MC & G

They said yes to each other yesterday and we were there to see that. We had a marvelous day.

Now, I can show you the monogram I made for them.

To see the whole thing, just have a look to the gallery.

And, as one has to dress a bit for a wedding, I made this chain mail tie, quite nice even if a bit heavy 🙂

For my wife’s neck, I chose something a bit lighter, I made her this pendant of slate, engraved with a filigree pattern and gilded with gold powder.

weekend report

An ill apple tree cut, 20 m² of ground digged, 5 rose bush and an orange tree transplanted, lots of other maintenance works in the garden… To make it short, I spent all my weekend in the garden.
But, as I woke up early, I found time to etch a new cadel initial, inspired by the same manuscript as the previous one (Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, AN II 3).

It’s quite different from the cadel initials I already made & I like it.
I think I’ll made other ones inspired by the same manuscript but the priority now is the maintenance of the garden 🙂

Ar Rannou

I’ve just finished a work started years ago, that was left unfinished because of an overdose of knotwork.

It is a breton text from the Barzaz Breizh, a collection of songs published by Th. de La VillemarquĂ© in the XIXth century.
I used a semi uncial for the text, sĂ©parating each verse by a knotwork panel and ending by the title in drawn capitals inspired by the Lindisfarne Gospel. To breathe modernity into the work, I took colors different from the ones used historically, using only earth pigments (Sienna, Umbria, …).

Another detail can be seen here, and the whole work, there.

S like Stele

The weather is much too beautiful to stay in the workshop trying to do some calligraphy. So I try to get some fun outside.

A small initial S, in the gothic style, first engraved on slate and then filled with rust.
It has to remain some days in the garden for the rust to look similar on the whole letter but it already looks good or so think I ?