ABC etc

Last weekend, unusually, I had some time to work. But the sky was as blue as an orang utan so I decided to go to the beach, even if the water was so cold that I soon looked as an orang utan. Anyway, I manage to produce some little things, the beginning of an alphabet of brooches and, as I really love books, a nother brooch for my personnal use…

The initials are inspired by the Art Nouveau with a puzzle look which comes from the gothic period, and I like them. Not to mention my SERIAL READER brooch that I love !

Cadel G

As the interval with my previous post may have warn you, I really don’t have time for calligraphy for the moment. So as to have you wait until I find some time to create new works, here are some pics of a cadel initial I made some time ago.

The cadel pattern is inspired from a manuscript of the XVth century and the shape of the initial from a much earlier one, so I dare say it is a real creation.

those volatile dreams…

Here it is, at last, I finished my engraving work on slate and zinc.

You can see the whole work here, and two close-up here and there.
It was my first large work on slate, I’m quite happy with it even if I spent more time on it than I expected.
I will now be able to get back to paper work, almost forgot the taste of it.

And, I was about to forget, it is a text by Petronius, a fragment of the Satiricon, you can find its trancript here.

Proof of concept

Metal is nice but so is slate. Except that one cannot engrave it with acid, it would have been too easy.
As I don’t have the appropriate tools, I make them and test them.

For a first try, it’s not too bad. The letter is 1cm high, the tool allows quite precise work, just have to really do something with it now.

The Decay of Lying

Here is (finally) the result of so many hours of work on this plate of zinc. It’s a fragment from the essay The Decay of Lying by Oscar Wilde.

I’m quite happy with the beginning, chosen with your advices, even if the final version is not so close from the first draft.

In fact, I’m just happy with the whole of it and if you want to see the whole work, just click here.