Breton apple tree

In order to make stamps to stamp cookies for a baker friend, I took a branch of an old apple tree out of my garden, carefully dried for a few years.
She wanted a triskell & an ermine, the branches having two ends, I engraved the patterns on the same piece of wood.

and just so that you have an idea of the size of the patterns (4cm in diameter) and the depth of the engraving (1cm), a small bias photo

The bad news is that my dremmel (which would have allowed me to do this in 1 hour) is seized and so I did everything with manual gouges.
The good news is that I only cut myself twice, I’m making a lot of progress in wood engraving: -D

B as in Bird

This is probably a little letter from the book of Kells (I think), made more than 15 years ago (that’s why the source is not very trustworthy), and it has been forgotten in a drawing board for more than ten years.
I didn’t add the colors (in case you haven’t noticed, color is not my thing) but it’s probably pretty much in line with the original from a design point of view (& not color)).

Capri, it’s over!!!!!

And to think that it was the city of my first love!!!!!!!!

Yes, well, sorry, I’m getting ahead of New Year’s Eve or I’m late for Christmas, it looks like I’m drunk and not even 11:00 in the morning, it’s not serious.

So I get it together, I try to stay decent for a few minutes but you will admit that putting the finishing touches to a composition started more than a year ago is enough to make you happy, even if it is expressed in the form of a song by Hervé Vilard… (hopefully, if you read my blog in english you may not know about this song, it seems that an english version with quite different lyrics exists)

Here, the rust has embedded itself, the varnish is applied, I love it (unlike my wife who finds it very ugly, we can’t agree all the time).

As a reminder, the slate piece is about 30cm high

The soul of the cellos

Back to old studies.
Here is a fragment of a text by Villiers de l’Isle Adam.
One translation could be : “Is the soul of the cellos carried away by the cry of a broken string?”

I found a dead leaf already damaged whose shape reminded me of the instrument and the text came back to my mind.
So I acid-etched the text on a zinc plate and transferred the picture of the leaf using acrylic binder to accompany the quotation.
It is not totally finished, the author’s name and signature are missing, but, as usual, I will try to make them invisible ; so you can consider that you are looking at the final version of the work.


I have read again for the umpteenth time the collection Du domaine by Guillevic.
I find new inspiration with each reading.

A slate engraving, filled with rust & wax for a poem about time
(home made translation : Here the time, believes itslef innocent)

and a poem on rain (and time), engraved on a terracotta pot, which I have already posted in video but of which I give you a still image (I recommend the video, the problem of the pots being their roundness which prevents us to cover their entire circumference at a glance).