Ar Rannou

I’ve just finished a work started years ago, that was left unfinished because of an overdose of knotwork.

It is a breton text from the Barzaz Breizh, a collection of songs published by Th. de La Villemarqué in the XIXth century.
I used a semi uncial for the text, séparating each verse by a knotwork panel and ending by the title in drawn capitals inspired by the Lindisfarne Gospel. To breathe modernity into the work, I took colors different from the ones used historically, using only earth pigments (Sienna, Umbria, …).

Another detail can be seen here, and the whole work, there.

Painting the street

I’ve been playnig with man hole covers but it’s not enough.
The street is not only man hole covers, it also has pedestrian crossing and asphalt.
So here is my first version of an urban landscape, there will be others as I’m not totally satisfied with this one.

First some close-ups :

And then a view of the whole thing :