
Nothing to do with ozone but with my third try on the adornment of an initial O.

A pattern of branches this time, with a few leaves (that’s the end of automn after all) and no final cleaning which left all the zinc oxide on the parts eaten by the acid bath, increasing the contrast between the two parts even more than in the two firsts attempts.

In the end, I love it too and I’m not closer to the choice of the pattern to use…


Second try of adornment with vegetable patterns, this time with a fern.

The engraving left a darker sediment than on the previous try with the ramble pattern, the contrast between the background and the fern is then more important and I like it very much.
I nevertheless cannot say which one I prefer and have consequently to make a third try that has to be incomparably better 🙂


For a ongoing project, I’m looking for a way to adorn the inside part of an O with vegetable patterns. A bit tired of historical vines, I made this first try using bramble. The piece is 5cm large in diameter.

As you can see, it is made of zinc, engraved with acid even if this time I used a plate of new zinc and not recovered one.

failed cadel

I’m trying to use other metallic plates than zinc ones to engrave cadels letters. This time, a bit of “I don’t know what” previously used as a lid of a cigar box.

the pinkish hue is not totally uninteresting but as the varnish started to unstick after a few minutes in the acid bath, I had to stop the experiment.
Maybe anoter try soon with another kind of varnish ??