
August is already well underway, it is more than time to sow turnips.
But it is necessary to be able to indicate them in the garden thus, as usual, small sign engraved on slate.

This time, to change a bit, I used a gothic and it’s the turn of the letters I engraved.

And yes, some pieces are missing, I’m aware, it’s even done on purpose 😉


It’s long been a given that colour is not my thing.
confirmation after a few hours of work…

I show you the long version.

The gilding

The first letter

The second one

the different steps of the filigree

The final version

It’s ugly (the first one who tells me that no, I banish him forever in the limbo of the internet)
So I’m gonna do it again. How ? I don’t know yet.
What’s for sure is that this afternoon, I’m gonna go gardening, it’ll give me a rest.

works in progress

I regularly complain that I don’t have time during the year to work on my calligraphies… It’s even worse during the holidays!
I’m nonetheless share a few “in progress” things with you :

To begin, I continue on my stained glass on slate (which I have already had the opportunity to talk about here for example).

I arrive at the end (more than ten hours of work to foresee) of the engraving of the filigrees, it will be time then to pass to the following stage, rust!

Otherwise, I work on several large letters & monograms, I show you here the preparatory works of the first monogram :

maybe more pictures next week if the work in the garden lets me move on my calligraphies:-)