My version of Genesis, in computer language (php) and in colors (as in my code editor), with the result displayed.

First, connect to server caelum (the sky) with username Moyses and password rubusarderet (burning bush) to access the database genesis.
If the connection fails, the system displays a fragment of an epigram of Martial: There is no god, the sky is empty.
Otherwise, we look for Genesis images and display them in ascending order.
If this step fails, a fragment of the Vulgate text will be displayed: terra est inanis et vacua.

The text and symbols are inspired by NEULAND with the introduction of uncial forms of abbreviations and ligatures.
Then there are the images, in iron gall ink, of the different days:
separation of light and darkness
separation of upper and lower waters
separation of land and water and creation of plants
creation of the moon, the sun and the stars
creation of birds and fish
creation of animals and man