Every angel is terrible

My latest work gave me the idea of working on a complete set of simple sentences. It’s quite a challenge for me as I always found difficult to layout short texts, even more challenging by the size I decided to use for all of the items of this set (approx. 30x10cm).

So here is the second item of the set, a sentence by Rainer Maria Rilke, taken from the first of the Duino Elegies (I already worked on the same text, using a more consequent fragment, I really love it).

I first wrote the text using a gothic script before copying it on another paper by transparency and finished by decorate with patterns which resemble feathers.

I’m quite happy with the overall result and I’m already thinking to the next challenge.

Painting the street

I’ve been playnig with man hole covers but it’s not enough.
The street is not only man hole covers, it also has pedestrian crossing and asphalt.
So here is my first version of an urban landscape, there will be others as I’m not totally satisfied with this one.

First some close-ups :

And then a view of the whole thing :

Happy Birthday

Today is my wife’s birthday.
I worked in secret for quite a while on this little drawing and gave it to her this morning. And guess what ? She liked it !

Which proves that an imitation of a bad inkjet printing of an over-contrasted pic can be a good present 😉
And here is a close-up so you can see the work on lines
As an information, the drawing has been made with a metal nib with a mix of pigment and arabic gum on kraft paper


During the few past weeks I’ve quite busy with gardening but also with this :

I drew a large version of one of my finger prints and filled in the parts which should have been inked with lines conjuring up the idea of more fingerprints, a kind of mise en abîme…
I spent loads of time on it but I’m very happy with the result.

More details can be seen here or here, the whole drawing being available there.