Sorry for the title but it only works in french, it would make no sense to say G like the first letter of pebble 🙂
Anyway, weekends are short nowadays which means I don’t really have time to create new things, just to copy things I already did using other media.
A few days ago, I told you about a cadel letter on zinc, I copied it today but this time on a schist pebble, engraved by hand.
Tag: cadel
Cadel G
As the interval with my previous post may have warn you, I really don’t have time for calligraphy for the moment. So as to have you wait until I find some time to create new works, here are some pics of a cadel initial I made some time ago.
Cadel L
Cadel O
As I’m waiting for the inspiration to come, I made a cadel letter, just because I like this very much.
Cadel J
Yet another cadel initial, yet inspired by the ms Rawl. B. 499 of the Bodleian Library.
No time to work on a large scale, so I do little things, here 2 cadels initials.
The first is inspired from the ms832 of the Angers Library.
The second is inspired from the ms Rawl. B. 499 de la Bodleian Library.
failed cadel
I’m trying to use other metallic plates than zinc ones to engrave cadels letters. This time, a bit of “I don’t know what” previously used as a lid of a cigar box.
On the wall – 5
Probably the final version of this work.
I added a fragment of Petronius’ Satiricon (bottom right) in Luxeuil’s script and calligraphied a large cadel initial later highlighted in black to enhance the visibility.
The wall will remain like until the end of the year then I will erase all white a coat of white paint before starting another work.