
Small letters are fun for a few years but, after a while, you want to evolve.
So I started a alphabet book using the verses from the poem Hyperion by John Keats.
You are going to tell me that an alphabet book begins with an A and you will be right, but the poem begins with a D, which is why that is what you see here.
I am not very satisfied and it is therefore a draft, in compensation, I show you two small initials very simple but nevertheless pretty.

Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

Tell me I’m the one, otherwise I’ll break you once more in tiny bits.

Inspired by kintsukuroi but not having the necessary amount of gold on hand, my wife repaired an old broken mirror with kraft that I then decorated with this little warning: -D

Back to basics

All coaches will tell you that when nothing works, you have to go back to basics.
So here is a new flower, a pattern of my own composition that I have already practiced a number of times.
It is 5 cm in diameter, on handmade paper, gilding with gold leaf, alizarin lacquer and gum arabic for the background, iron gall ink for the filigree

I’m not unhappy with the result, it gives me confidence to start working on new compositions and I needed it because of my last drafts!

The flies

A draft, made a long time ago.
These are selected bits from the play Les Mouches by Sartre. I used different gothic scripts for the different characters.
The obvious things to do for the final version are :

  • use a paper a little better than this one
  • remove the red versals, stay in monochrome + gold, maybe insert some cadels instead
  • revise the script used for Orestes and Electra
  • add a few more lines
  • and do it all on a paper big enough to have only one column!

If all goes well, the final version will be released this summer.